
Now you’ve decided on which services you’re interested in, all you need to choose is which level of support you would like from me.

Pricing is simple – my Ad Hoc hourly rate starts at £30 per hour – talk about a bargain!

There are also monthly retainers depending on how much time you need – as a bit of a rainbow goth/rocker myself, I’ve named my packages after music genres from my youth (because why not?!).

If you would like to discuss any specific projects you have in mind, please contact me for a quotation via the button below.

Why have a retainer?

A retainer means you get:

  • a free 20-minute call to assign work and get an update on hours used every week
  • dedicated working hours every week
  • prioritised task completion
  • a maximum of 10% of any unused hours can be rolled over into the first week of the following month

Pay for what you use

Like a pay-as-you-go phone, but for admin. No more paying for "dead time" like tea breaks or staring blankly out of the window. All tasks are monitored using Toggl Track to the nearest minute. Invoices are generated based on how much time is actually used. If it takes 10 minutes, then I'll charge you for 10 minutes, i.e. £5.

No Overheads

No need to provide me with a desk, a computer, or an endless supply of the aforementioned tea and hobnobs (although they are always appreciated).

No HR headaches

No need to worry about payroll, taxes, or pension contributions. I come fully assembled and ready to work.